Protect the Planet?

Is our planet in danger? Is human progress out of control? Are global warming, deforestation, and urban sprawl destroying the world? Or is the threat to our environment overexaggerated by hippies and tree-huggers?


  1. This is NOT destroying our world. The worlds always been changing and its never been the same for a certain amount of time. This dimishes the argument that its been so different lately. Lastly we should get more diesel trucks and bring Pontiac back. WOO

    1. It may be changing, but we have caused it to change at a much more rapid pace then it has been for the past thousands of years.

    2. loud diesel trucks that go brabababababaMay 25, 2012 at 1:26 PM

      Amen my brother. I believe that if we all would just listen to fox news and what our good friend Glenn Beck, America would wake up and smell the coffee.

    3. Pontiac. Are you kiddin me. C'mon man. Pontiac is a terrible company that cannot hold up themselves so they be able to come back they are tearing up the American economy.

    4. The Pontiac Firebird is one of the greatest cars of all time. Next to the Fiero of course.

    5. The Pontiac Fiero is the stupidest in history. How can you even compare pontiac to great cars like Maserati, Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Bugatti. It doesn't even compare to Chrysler.

    6. The Fiero used to catch on fir all the time, that's why you don't see them on the road anymore. Plus their engines were undersized. That car is all looks.

    7. The pontiac fiero was the greatest car ever. In its lifespan, it was a Camaro and Mustang Beater. Not to mention, its mid-engine. It was amazing, and it needs to come back. Sure, it had a few problems, but so does every other car.

  2. loud diesel trucks that go brabababababaMay 25, 2012 at 1:18 PM

    Dat so called OBAMA is blaming my truck for dis so called "global warming" that i think is just another excuse for dem to get mah hard earned monayyyyy for der pocket!

    1. loud diesel trucks that go brabababababaMay 25, 2012 at 1:23 PM

      (before i knew that i was getting a grade) What i meant to say was these changes in the world have been happening far before the human race, and us driving our "green" hybrids around won't change a thing. There is a concept called "Environmental Determinism" which means the environment will set barriers, but we will always find a way around it which i believe will happen if there really is such thing as global warming(which there isnt).

    2. The term you're reffering to is possibilism, not environmental determanism. Environmental determanism is the theory that the earth controls/limits human actions; the opposite of possibilism.

  3. The Bhuddist JudeMay 25, 2012 at 1:25 PM

    While the world has been through cycles, this stage of our planet's history should be an ice age, and carbon dioxide has been proven as one of the many human produced greenhouse gasses. diesel is specifically a damaging and unnatural chemical. As we invade the wild lands, more creatures die, the planet swings into chaos, and humanities short life span shrinks.

    1. loud diesel trucks that go brabababababaMay 25, 2012 at 1:34 PM

      Our world can not function without diesel because every large machine, large vehicles, and even every single millitary machine function on good ol' diesel. And i believe we need to burn every single hybrid and electric car because they are absolutly awful for our environment.

    2. I completely agree with this. The earth just is going through cycles and its getting warmer. SO WHAT? The people that are freaking out about global warming are most likely the ones thinking we're going to die on December 21, 2012. We're not.

    3. The Bhuddist JudeMay 25, 2012 at 1:42 PM

      In fact I, have seen the documents of the I ching, and the Mayan Calendar, and I don't believe in 2012. But I digress, as the "Large machines and vehicles" DON'T keep the world functioning, and our Military is only another facet of the Corrupted Corporate Empire, currently known as the United States Of America.

  4. Here's my question: do humans have the right to do what ever they want to the planet, or do they have a responsibility to take care of it? And why?

    1. loud diesel trucks that go brabababababaMay 25, 2012 at 1:37 PM

      We are the rulers of the world ever since we made an allience with the auto-bots.

    2. Technically, we can do whatever we want. There's no one enforcing people to save the earth. Its an option, meaning nobody is required to stop the way they live to go and recycle, and become someone that is completely 'save the earth' crazed.

    3. Okay loud diesel trucks that go brabababababa, explain your reasoning. What makes us rulers of the world?

  5. Yeah they do. Theres absolutely no proof that theres anyone else out there. So yeah, we should definetly do whatever we want on any of the planets.

    1. with the size of the universe, do you seriously think that no other planets have conditions that are hospitable to life?

  6. God made us, it didnt say "and on the 8th day he made stupid green aliens"

  7. hey dont make fun of tree huggers! and its pretty obvious that theres pollution and deforestation and stuff. but the funny thing about recycling is that you have to drive your car (which pollutes)and go buy a plastic bottle. then you drive home and put the plastic bottle in the fridge (which uses electricity). then you take it out of the fridge and drink it. then you finish it and put it in the recycling bin. then a big polluting recycling truck comes by and picks up the bin. then it drives tons of miles out of town and takes it to a recycling place and they spend electricity to reuse the plastic bottle. so your making more pollution

  8. This is an interesting and controversial topic. I believe that the human race has some negative affect on the earth, but many people blow it way out of proportion. I do not believe our planet it in direct danger because of human actions. History shows that the earth goes through different stages in climate, therefore current global warming is semi-natural. However, humans are causing the natural process of the earth to speed up because of greenhouse gasses. Even though we are negatively affecting the earth, we are become more aware of our actions and changing our bad habits. For example, in 2009 82 million tons of composted or recycled waste in the US out of 243 million tons (Love to Know Green Living, United States Recycling Statistics, Currently, over 60% of waste is being recycled, this is due to the increased focus on "going green" across America (Recovering Energy From Waste, Recycling and Recovery at CSWDC, In addition, urban sprawl is being controlled by a process called Smart Growth which are legislations and regulations to limit suburban sprawl and preserve farmland. Obviously the US is making an effort to control human's negative affect on the earth.
