Too Many Computers?

There was recently an article in a magazine called The Atlantic which argued that computers are making people stupid. We have become so dependent on Google for our information, and are conditioned by the instant gratification of the Internet, cell phones, and computer games that we have lost the ability to think deeply or to make real human connections and relationships. Have computers taken over our society? Are people losing their ability to think deeply and to make real friendships with real people instead of "online friends"?


  1. Yes, the internet and computers are negatively affecting the human race. When people don't have to think deeply to get an answer, they aren't becoming smarter. Although Google and computers do have positive aspects, they are causing humanity to lose the ability to think and act intelligently, both online and in person.

  2. online friends can be just as good as real friends. computers have not taken over society because they are still controlled by humans and overall, we could unplug them at any time to shut them down if they start to think for themselves

    1. By the time computers can think for themselves, they will possess the ability to take over the world. Also, so many people are dependent on computers, there would be a world wide riot if computers were unplugged.

    2. I believe that computers aren't making us dumber if anything they're making smarter because if we don't know something we can learn about it on the internet and that gives us more knowledge on the topic.

    3. they aid scientist in simulations that would cost billions otherwise

  3. The Bhuddist JudeMay 25, 2012 at 1:37 PM

    It is true, that the instant gratification is a negative effect, but there is more, the space and energy required to keep the extensive network of computers working is insurmountable, and will only lead to more destruction of the planet and our humanity as a biology and ideology.

  4. All of things could be true yet used in moderation the internet is a very powerful and useful tool. Facebook can be used to connect with people that you would have no other way of communicating with. And google is so very useful in getting information even for educational things.

  5. In some ways the internet is having a negative effect on humans because of how people use it for games, social networking, and entertainment. However, the internet is an extremely useful tool and because of every generation is becoming more and more educated. It plays and extremely important role in research, businesses, and globalization. The internet allows researchers around the world to share their discoveries amongst each other; without it, medical technology would not be nearly as advanced globally as it is today. This concept also plays into globalization, which is connecting our world and allowing countries to become more developed. Ultimately, the educational and global benefits of the internet make the negative effects irrelevant.
